딸딸이 아조씨와 빡빡이 아조씨의 콜라보 방송을 기원함미다ㅠㅠ翻訳 - 딸딸이 아조씨와 빡빡이 아조씨의 콜라보 방송을 기원함미다ㅠㅠ日本語言う方法

딸딸이 아조씨와 빡빡이 아조씨의 콜라보 방송을 기원함미다ㅠㅠ

딸딸이 아조씨와 빡빡이 아조씨의 콜라보 방송을 기원함미다ㅠㅠ
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
I have been the Warehouse Of Fabrics - Finished Products of Duc Thanh 3 Import Export Garment Co., Ltd, I have been doing this job for 3 years and 6 months. With this job, I am proficient in the processes of exporting – importing products of the company. In contact with daily import and export documents, I can read customs declarations, truck operation vouchers,... Currently, I am working as a salesman of CATHAY LIFE Vietnam Life Co., Ltd., as a salesman I am trained in sales skills, customer relationship design, customer needs analysis, rejection processing,... therefore, I am confident to apply for the position of employee that the company needs.<br>For me, "Experience" is something that I have experienced and exposed to it, when you ask me to have experience, I will apply what I have done so that when you train, I understand it and absorb it faster. It's not that I apply what I've done before to the work you've given me. <br>As an enthusiastic, dynamic, sociable person who is willing to learn, I can work independently and as a team. The high pressure I've been through, so I'm not afraid to deal with it. <br>Therefore, I very much hope to have an interview at the company's office to make sure that I am suitable for the position that the company is hiring.<br>I sincerely thank you!
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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